Famakan Magassa: Witness of My Time

Norval Foundation
The exhibition Witness of My Time by Famakan Magassa, a Malian artist and the 2023 winner of the Norval Sovereign African Art Prize, reflects on the socio-political and persistent struggles that migrant bodies encounter in their movements across transnational borders. The artworks presented in this exhibition were produced during a period in New York during which Magassa was engaged in an artist residency program. The body of work on display here at the Norval Foundation is based on the artist’s experiences of his travels and stay in New York. The paintings speak of the difficulties Famakan and countless other people experienced in their quest for transnational mobility, an issue which is inextricably linked to the socio-political and gaping economic disparities amongst people today.
August 24, 2023 - January 25, 2024